On the right, enjoy my video YOU, a future-is-now creation with Bharati Ishaya as the storyteller.
Artistic Mission: To grow an educator/student directed creative matrix wherein participants artistically create, enact, and share their message of peace, conciliation, and harmony using visual, performance, literary, and healing arts venues as an outgrowth of the “Only Hearts” Art/Peace Project template.

For you readers who have gotten this far, know that my effort on these new pages is to grow the vision of the “Only Hearts” Art/Peace Project with old and new friends contributing to its blossoming. Any donations will be specific to the growth/support of this project – my service in action. The promotion and sales of my art, music, and design(s) are here to support my livelihood, a balancing of heart and reality.
Finally, I’d like to close with a reality check and a bit of humor for all of you “hi-tech wiz kids.” It has been jaw dropping having my dear friend David Grace guide me onto this web building technology platform, and it is greatly impressive. Perspective wise I’ll drop a hint that when I graduated high school majoring in photography a prerequisite was that I know how to make flash powder! Welcome aboard in these fast changing times . . . may our journey be mutually beneficial, enlightening, and fun-filled. Signing off . . . here’s a link to some of my projects: http://dwij.org/about_us/dwij_projects.htm