The first “About Us” is about The Children.

Life’s aspirations come in the guise of children.    —Tagore

And as a follow-up . . . an introduction to our formative team of three from seventeen years ago, who are still giving form to this new rebirthing of a heartfelt “Only Hearts” Art/Peace Project.

dwij – David Gittens:

My creative focus in the moment is nurturing a renaissance in the “Only Hearts” Arts/Peace Project. Collaborating with educators in the US and abroad, and with students new to the project and our past contributors, is heartfelt. We continue to experience enthusiasm for our art/peace project and the insights of students can be encapsulated as “a beautiful mirror of our human potential.”  The “Only Hearts” Arts/Peace project is my tiny drop of artistic visioning settling into an ocean of infinite possibilities.

Enjoy a visit to my projects page.

Linda Maree:

Linda was the editor on the original Sarasota 2K project and is still editing, writing, and facilitating a series of educational/artistic workshops and retreats for women presented via her portal, Honeycomb Moon. Linda’s passions of the moment are the grand kids and completing her first novel . . . which is pretty awesome from what I’ve read thus far!

Enjoy a sample of Linda’s writing, a story created for the opening of my 2017 summer solstice video titled Queen of Doves.

David Grace:

David has been our web genie since the very first  website was assembled for Sarasota 2K in 1999,  when we were dependent on floppies  . . . do you remember those?

I’m grateful that David is the web techie for this new portal and we look forward to the successes, fun, and discovery on our journey of heart. Looking forward to welcoming on-board new collaborators to assist with the flourishing of the “Only Hearts” Arts/Peace Project.

David’s website is Abacus Web Services.

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